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Just an updated version of the QDNAseq package's plot() method. This version just allows for relative copy number calls from WiseCondorX too. All else remains the same. See the <QDNAseq plotting> method for details.


  main = NULL,
  includeReadCounts = TRUE,
  logTransform = TRUE,
  scale = TRUE,
  sdFUN = "sdDiffTrim",
  delcol = getOption("QDNAseq::delcol", "darkred"),
  losscol = getOption("QDNAseq::losscol", "red"),
  gaincol = getOption("QDNAseq::gaincol", "blue"),
  ampcol = getOption("QDNAseq::ampcol", "darkblue"),
  pointcol = getOption("QDNAseq::pointcol", "black"),
  segcol = getOption("QDNAseq::segcol", "chocolate"),
  misscol = getOption("QDNAseq::misscol", NA),
  pointpch = getOption("QDNAseq::pointpch", 1L),
  pointcex = getOption("QDNAseq::pointcex", 0.1),
  xlab = NULL,
  ylab = NULL,
  ylim = NULL,
  xaxt = "s",
  yaxp = NULL,
  showDataPoints = TRUE,
  showSD = TRUE,
  doSegments = TRUE,
  doCalls = TRUE,
  verbose = getOption("QDNAseq::verbose", TRUE)


Supply a QDNAseq object.