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SEAlluvialPlot builds a ggplot using the easyalluvial R package. For two sets of exposures on the same set of samples it visualizes how the maximum exposure for one set of signatures is related to the other.


SEAlluvialPlot(exposA, exposB, orderA = NULL, orderB = NULL)



A matrix of signature exposures. Signatures in rows, samples in columns. Likely the output from CallSignatureExposures().


A matrix of signature exposures. Signatures in rows, samples in columns.


(Optional) A character vector of signature names that will enforce an order.
Signature set A is assigned names S.A1 -> S.A#, and B S.B1 -> S.B#
ex. c('S.B2', 'S.B5', 'S.B3', 'S.B4', 'S.B1', 'S.B6')


(Optional) A character vector of signature names that will enforce an order.
Signature set A is assigned names S.A1 -> S.A#, and B S.B1 -> S.B#
ex. c('S.B2', 'S.B5', 'S.B3', 'S.B4', 'S.B1', 'S.B6') Must be for the same set of same set of samples as provided to exposA. Likely the output from CallSignatureExposures().


A list. A ggplot and its corresponding data matrix.